I write and draw and love to learn.


This is where I publish writing.

Vacations (Jan 2022)

pencil, felt-tipped marker

from paraguay, with love documentary

I developed and wrote the script for this doc (perhaps indefinitely in post) about the devastating humanitarian and environmental effects of soybean farming in Paraguay, and why people have such a difficult time caring about this kind of stuff.

Light lunch (April 2021)


pencil, felt-tipped marker



I’m the Senior Writer at Kosas.

jake sherman - “me” music video

Directed and edited by Daniel Sunshine and me.


circle with steam (Sep 2019)

A field piece about restaurant menus by Collin Lapinsky and me.

Seed breads (Sep 2019)

pencil, fine tipped marker. framed between glass.

pencil, felt-tipped marker; framed between glass


a little about

I live in Los Angeles with two good cats and got my BA from the University of Chicago in 2017. I took all the background pics.